Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to Begin a Meditation Practice


So you’ve decided to begin a meditation practice, but aren’t sure how. The following guidelines will help you establish a meditation practice that you’ll be sure to find rewarding.

You'll want to start by learning about the many different types of meditation. You could also go to a meditation retreat center or visit a meditation group to speak to other people who have practiced for years. When you understand the principles behind meditation practices, you’ll be more likely to stick with your new practice.

As you commit to a practice, you may wish to set aside a special space for meditation. If you can, set aside a room or a corner of a room for the sole purpose of meditating. A sunroom, office, or bedroom closet is perfect. Paint and decorate with respect, honoring the ways color influences your meditative mood. Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit for long periods of time; a meditation rug or set of cushions may be helpful. Purchase an egg timer so you'll always be able to enjoy your meditation without the distraction of worrying about the passing of time.

If you'd like to use props, feel free to purchase tuning bowls or soothing music. You may also wish to purchase a scented candle or incense to enhance the experience. You can set up a meditation alter consisting of significant stones, crystals, statues, and mementos, if this inspires you. Arrange your meditation space in such a way that it makes you feel relaxed and in touch with your spiritual side.

Once you have everything set up, begin your practice with a commitment to a set amount of time each day. Set yourself up in a relaxed position, making sure you are properly supported. Open your practice with a session centered around honoring your breathing or a chosen mantra. Over time, you will see your focus improve, and soon you will wonder how you ever made it through the day without meditation.


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