Monday, January 13, 2014

Knowing What To Look For When Picking Fruits

When you are picking up fruit at the grocery store, it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what you should be looking for, which can be frustrating at times, as you will sometimes come home with a week's worth of fruit that is actually not worth eating at all. For this reason, it will be helpful for you to know some tricks to consistently picking good fruit, and while there are lots of different types of fruit – and while there are lots of different fruits to select from – here are the most important things to look for when selecting three of the most popular fruits: apples, oranges, and bananas.

Apples: Color is not always the clearest indicator of whether an apple is good or not, which can make picking apples more difficult; as you go through the bin of apples, spend a bit of time with each apple before you put it in the bag – making sure that there are no black spots on the apple, no severe bruises, and no extreme discoloration, so that you do not end up with one of those “bad apples that spoils the bunch.”

Oranges: oranges are a bit easier than apples, as you can already eliminate about half the oranges in the bin simply by looking at color, as the brighter the orange of the skin, the juicier the orange is likely to be; as you pick up oranges that are a bright orange color, you will want to look for oranges that are mostly firm, as these will be the ones that are still holding their juice.

Bananas: And when you are picking up some bananas at the grocery store, it will mostly come down to what you are looking for; if you are wanting to eat your bananas right away, pick out bananas that are already yellow, but if you are wanting to wait a little while before eating bananas, you will be just fine picking out bananas that are still green.

It can be a bit of work to make sure you are selecting good fruit, but when you get this good fruit home and it is available to you to eat, it will be well worth the effort!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Staying Healthy Through Stretching

One of the most important things you can make sure you are doing, in your day-to-day life, is taking care of your body, but in spite of the fact that most people are aware of this, the sad truth is that many people still neglect to do this; of course, there are many things that go into “taking care of your body,” but one of the simplest ways you can do this is by making sure you stretch on a regular basis.

The first stretching you should do is in the morning, shortly after you wake up; it can be difficult to get up and get your blood flowing in the morning, but when you take just a bit of time to do some light stretching at the start of the day, you will find that you actually wake up a lot more quickly, and that you have an easier time launching into your day.

Another thing that a lot of people find is that they have what is called a “2:30 feeling” in the afternoon, where they experience a sort of crash shortly after lunch; while you could take an afternoon nap if you lived in Italy or in some Latin countries (and while you cannot really do that in the States!), you can at least do a bit of invigorating stretching in your office or at your desk in the early afternoon to boost your energy once again.

And a lot of people also discover that they have a hard time unwinding at the end of their day, which puts them in a position where they lie in bed for hours waiting for sleep to come to them; rather than taking some sort of supplement to make your fall asleep, consider doing a bit of stretching as you get ready for bed, and watch as this relaxation washes over you and helps you fall asleep.

“Staying healthy” truly is a complicated process that involves a whole lot of different things – but when you simply add a bit of stretching to your schedule three times a day, staying healthy will become that much easier.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Staying Healthy By Walking

You need to keep your body's cardiovascular system in good shape if you want to keep your body healthy. Walking is one of the easiest and most effective of all the ways you can go about trying to do this. Unlike other workouts that can give you sore feet and joints, walking is a low-impact workout. As far as exercise goes, walking can be very effective if it is done regularly. However, there are correct and incorrect ways of walking! Let this guide help you to not only walk, but to walk in a way that is good for your body.

Because many people know that walking is an effective and easy way to keep their body in shape, they try to take the time to add some walking into their schedule. A lot of times, however, these same people fail to realize that it is important to have the right equipment for walking. While it might seem like you can throw on any clothes and shoes you want for walking, this is not the case. You need good walking shoes, otherwise you will put your feet and back at risk of becoming sore. It is also important that you wear clothes that are designed for breathability. This is particularly true for those summertime walks, when your body will need to be able to sweat.

Effective walking also requires that you keep up with it consistently. You cannot just walk one day here and another day there and expect for the walking to be effective. Furthermore, if you walk every day for a week and then don't walk for the next two weeks, this will not help you much either. In order for walking to work, you need to keep up with it, walking at least three or four days each week.

Finally, walking requires you to put in a little more time than some other workouts. Unlike those intense exercises that require only ten or fifteen minutes of your time, walking should be done for at least thirty minutes each time you go. If you do this, you will be able to ensure that your body is at that level where walking makes a difference.

Walking is one of the easiest, most relaxing ways to work out. Walking will also make a big difference in your health, as long as you make sure you are going about it the right way - walking with the right equipment, walking consistently, and walking for enough time.

Tips For Fighting And Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you have ever dealt with carpal tunnel syndrome, you know that it is nothing to fool around with. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, every area of your life can be affected, as it can become difficult to write, to type, and even to eat food and pick up a glass of water. Carpal tunnel syndrome can come from any job or activity that requires you to do regular, repetitive movements with your wrists or hands. But if you are dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome, or if you fear that you might be in danger of carpal tunnel syndrome, here are a few things you can do.

First off, if your carpal tunnel syndrome is resulting from a job that requires you to do a lot of typing, examine the setup of your keyboard; you will want to make sure that, when you type, your wrists are facing downward, instead of having to bend upward. Carpal tunnel syndrome can show up in your wrists quickly if you are typing all the time with your wrists bent upward.

If you have found that your hands or wrists are starting to swell, or are starting to feel painful, you should start icing your wrists regularly. You can also prevent swelling and pain by taking ibuprofen. Start fighting it early on, and you will be in better shape for winning the battle.

When you work with your hands, you should also give them regular rest. This will cut down on the repetitiveness of your movements, as you will be taking a break to do other things.

Finally, you should consider buying a couple of wrist braces - they don't cost much money. Many of them are designed specifically for fighting the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome. You might find that such wrist braces feel a bit clunky early on, but it will not take you long to get used to them. What's more, you will no longer be in pain!

Instead of waiting for carpal tunnel syndrome to set in before fighting it, fight it before it begins. After all, you do not want to be in a position where you are struggling against something that is causing you immense discomfort. Learn the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome, and combat it early. You certainly will not regret it!

Shop For Wrist Braces

Friday, January 10, 2014

Consider Taking your Children Backpacking

A few brave souls consider taking their children on backpacking trips. There are a number of reasons that this attitude is unfortunate. First and foremost, children love to go on an adventure and explore the natural environment. Here are just a few things to consider when thinking about taking your child backpacking:

You must find the right back for the size of the child.  This is no different then it is for an adult in many ways. Small children will only be able to carry a small childrens Camelpak to carry their own water, a couple snacks, an emergency blanket, and a whistle. As they grow, they will be able to grow into larger packs and carry more weight and more of their own gear. As a matter of fact ,in just a few years, you will be able to pack them up with their own clothing, and maybe even an ultra light sleeping bag. As your child grows, they will go from the small backpacks to school/ daypacks. Believe it or not by the age of 9 they may even be able to be upgraded to a rigid frame backpack. You can expect your child to be as excited as you are to go backpacking if you start taking them with you.

One of the biggest concerns about taking kids backpacking is their safety. Clearly there are steps you can take to help keep your child safer while you hike. Just make sure your kids know a few simple rules to help keep them safe. It is very important for a child to understand they must stay in sight. If a child does get lost they should be instructed to stay calm.  Sit down in one spot and blow on a safety whistle to draw searchers attention. Finally it helps to instruct children how to use a safetly blanket.

Backpacking with children can be a very enriching experience for adults too. You get to see the word through your children's eyes. It is well worth it to spend the adventuring time with your child.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to Begin a Meditation Practice


So you’ve decided to begin a meditation practice, but aren’t sure how. The following guidelines will help you establish a meditation practice that you’ll be sure to find rewarding.

You'll want to start by learning about the many different types of meditation. You could also go to a meditation retreat center or visit a meditation group to speak to other people who have practiced for years. When you understand the principles behind meditation practices, you’ll be more likely to stick with your new practice.

As you commit to a practice, you may wish to set aside a special space for meditation. If you can, set aside a room or a corner of a room for the sole purpose of meditating. A sunroom, office, or bedroom closet is perfect. Paint and decorate with respect, honoring the ways color influences your meditative mood. Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit for long periods of time; a meditation rug or set of cushions may be helpful. Purchase an egg timer so you'll always be able to enjoy your meditation without the distraction of worrying about the passing of time.

If you'd like to use props, feel free to purchase tuning bowls or soothing music. You may also wish to purchase a scented candle or incense to enhance the experience. You can set up a meditation alter consisting of significant stones, crystals, statues, and mementos, if this inspires you. Arrange your meditation space in such a way that it makes you feel relaxed and in touch with your spiritual side.

Once you have everything set up, begin your practice with a commitment to a set amount of time each day. Set yourself up in a relaxed position, making sure you are properly supported. Open your practice with a session centered around honoring your breathing or a chosen mantra. Over time, you will see your focus improve, and soon you will wonder how you ever made it through the day without meditation.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Benefits Of Playing

For most adulst, when they hear the word "playing," they think of children outside on a summer afternoon - but while "play" is generally reserved for children in most people's minds, there is no reason why adults cannot play as well, and when you realize all the benefits of playing (and understand some of the ways by which you, as an adult, can play yourself!), you will stop thinking of "play" as something that is only for children, and will instead start thinking of ways that you can play yourself.

Some of the best ways by which an adult can "play" are also some of the best ways by which an adult can stay in shape; among ideas for "playing" are some of the following: swimming (either in the ocean or at a pool), going for walks (or better yet, going for hikes over varied terrain!), and putting together some sort of game with your friends - whether it is a pickup game of soccer or football, a game of softball, or a game of ultimate frisbee.

In addition to getting you outside to work out and keep your body in shape, playing will also help you to get sunlight; although sunlight in excess is not good for your skin, your body requires a measure of sunlight every day, as getting 20 to 30 minutes of sunlight on 70 to 80 per cent of your body will give it the vitamin D it needs.

And one of the greatest benefits of playing - even if you do it in such a way that is not a workout, and even in such a way that you are not getting sunlight in the process - is that it helps you relax and helps to minimize your stress; because of the way in which stress lowers your immune system, keeping stress at bay is a great way to improve your health - and what better way to keep stress at bay than by simply playing!

Next time you someone says the word "play," try to not think about children outside on a summer afternoon, but instead, think about yourself - and start thinking about the ways you can play yourself, in order to be able to enjoy all the benefits that come along with it!

Help! Five Stress Relief Tips You Can Use Right Now

Need stress relief NOW? Can't make it another moment? These stress relief tips will help you get through the moment.

Take a break from whatever it is that is pushing you over the edge. If a meeting is out of control, excuse yourself to the restroom. Are your kids pushing your buttons? Send them to safe places and get away to a separate room where you can think. Is your partner being overly emotional? Ask your partner for some time to clear your head. In a long-term stressful situation? Schedule a day off. Just by taking action to get away from the source of stress, you'll feel your stress level going down. Make good use of that break.

Breathe deeply. Deep breathing automatically lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, both of which are linked to your body’s stress response. Focus on nothing but your breath as you breathe slowly and consciously. When you feel relaxed, you can try to deal with the stressor once again.

Gain perspective. Consider if this situation will matter in a week or month or year. Is your livelihood at stake? Your friendship or marriage? Your health? Remind yourself of parts of your life that are stable. Look for solutions. Figure out what your responsibility is.

Come up with a course of action. Using the new persepctive you've gained, plan out what you can do to help solve the problem. Refuse to take responsibility for the things you can't do anything about, make concrete plans for things you can do, and let the rest go.

Re-engage with a positive, relaxed, proactive attitude. If others are still stressed out when you return, try to help them see there are solutions. Look for ways to talk them down off the ledge, seeking common ground and solutions.

It’s important to manage stress for optimal health. If you often find yourself in stressful situations, research stress relief programs and methods.

Fruit Smoothies as a Healthy Meal Substitute

One of the hardest things to do is to stay healthy when you are on the go. Working out and finding the time to do so is important. It is usually the first thing that people make sure they do since is is the most important part of the equation. Eating right can be almost as important as well. It is harder to do this than any other action. Quick options for food are usually the unhealthiest of all. This fact encourages many people to find a healthy meal that can be made quickly.

Using a small compact blender is an easy way to make sure you are getting the nutrition you need to stay healthy. A bunch of different meals that can be taken on the road throughout the day can all be made with a blender. Since they can be had for any meal most people enjoy smoothies as the top meal substitute. In the morning a fruit filled smoothie is a great way to supply energy throughout the day and in the afternoon one of them can keep you going.

Perfect for smoothies on the go, the new mini blender from Oster is now available at stores everywhere. After the blending is finished your smoothie can be carried around in the detachable cup container. There is nothing faster than blending up a smoothie in the same cup you will be drinking it out of. The cup can also be washed in a dishwasher to save even more time in between meals. Included in the package from Oster are instructions that give you great recipe ideas.

Make sure you have a quick healthy option for meals when you are planning a new healthy living regiment for yourself. Fruit smoothies can supply a large amount of nutrition in a quick easy way. There are also protein boosters that can be added if you are trying to build up muscle. No plan for healthy living is complete without adding healthy meals into the mix so use the mini Oster blender today.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Is It Okay To Drink Redbull?

Every person needs to slip a little extra energy into their system every once in a while to survive the day. Some of us choose to drink coffee - lots and lots of coffee. Some of us opt for a cup of tea. Others of us try to eat healthy foods, or we take supplements and vitamins for some extra energy. But sometimes, no matter how much we might hate it, an energy drink sounds really appealing! The only problem is, we have no clue what is in such drinks, and we don't really know what makes them work. Are they all right for our body? Do they actually work? And if they do work, how do they work?

Because Redbull has one of the most recognized names in the world, and because it is among the most popular energy drinks in the world, chances are, you will grab a Redbull if you are buying an energy drink "just as a one-time thing." Perhaps you have heard that Redbull is banned in France, Uruguay, and Norway. Maybe this makes you (justifiably) nervous!

The reason why these countries have chosen to ban Redbull is because the drink contains taurine. While taurine is made by the body naturally, there has been some debate as to the advisability of adding extra taurine to the body. Taurine moves such minerals as potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium throughout the cells in your body, which helps to generate nerve impulses. This is one of the things Redbull uses to help you stay awake when you are tired.

But actually, what should concern you more about Redbull than taurine is the glucose content. Of course, glucose is sugar; because the drink contains sugar, it leaves you with that "sugar crash" you would prefer to avoid.

Otherwise, Redbull contains a small amount of caffeine and a variety of vitamins. A better option than regular Redbull is sugar-free Redbull. This drink tastes similar to regular Redbull, but you can avoid those sugar crashes. The sugar crash is the main issue with Redbull; otherwise, it is okay for you to drink, and it certainly will help you stay awake.

Eating For Energy

The fact that many people hardly have the energy they need to make it through the entire day is one of the big problems people deal with in their daily lives, and when people lack energy, they often end up spending money on coffee or energy drinks each day in order to provide their body with an artificial means by which they can stay awake; rather than going this route, however, a much better thing to do is figure out what foods you can eat in order to increase the energy you have throughout the day!

First off, you need to remember that breakfast is important, especially when it comes to giving your body and mind energy, as you will have gone all night without eating by the time you wake up in the morning; each day, you should start the day with food, and you should make sure it is good food as well - food that does not have sugar in it, most specifically, as sugar will cause you to crash at some point in the day, thus negating the positive effects of eating in the morning.

A lot of people go from breakfast to lunch without eating anything in between, but another thing you should realize is that you will have a lot of additional energy if you snack throughout the morning; bring some fruit with you to work, or bring some trail mix that has nuts, seeds, and dried fruit or berries in it, as snacking on these throughout the morning will help you to keep your energy at a high level.

And even though you might be hungry by the time lunch rolls around, you should try to force yourself to not eat anything too heavy during lunch; when you eat a heavy meal, your body will have to work hard to digest it, and this will end up making your body tired, so eat something light, keep snacking on healthy foods through the afternoon, and watch as it becomes much easier to make it through the day.

Of course, there will still probably be times when you still need an extra boost of energy, but when this is the case, try to wait until afternoon to have coffee or an energy drink, so that it will be able to carry you through the afternoon, instead of just carrying you through the morning!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Getting To Know The Health Benefits Of Honey

The knowledge most people have of honey extends about as far as "I don't know, it tastes really good," but what they fail to realize is that the great taste of honey is just the start of the benefits it has to offer! People often make the mistake of assuming that honey is not healthy for the body (a misconception that has likely come about due to the fact that honey is sweet and it tastes good), but honey - unless taken in huge quantities - is not unhealthy at all, and in fact has three specific areas in which it is great for the body.

Firstly, honey is an excellent way to get energy into your body; unlike energy boosters that function primarily because of caffeine or sugar, honey provides long-term energy, as it gives the body glucose that kicks in for immediate energy and also gives the body fructose that gives the body sustained energy. In fact, plenty of athletes actually have added honey as part of their workout routine, or as part of their regimen during competition, because honey is able to give the body that push it needs in order to go the extra mile.

Secondly, honey helps to build the immune system, as it is a tremendous antioxidant, and as it has anti-bacterial properties that can help improve the body's digestive system while helping you stay healthy and fight off diseases.

Pick up a 4 pack of Ambrosia Pure Honey from the Western Slope of Colorado.

And thirdly, of course, honey is also an excellent way to chase away a number of ailments and diseases when they do come upon you, as the ingestion of honey can help with everything from sore throats to arthritis pain to hangovers - and honey can even be used as an antibacterial agent in dressing cuts and wounds!

Unlike many substances that are "great to add to one's diet," but are also difficult to add because of the expense involved, the obscurity of the product, or the poor taste it gives to your food, honey is inexpensive, easy to find, and delicious - and by adding honey as a regular part of your diet, you will reap a great score of benefits!

Does Primal Eating Actually Help You To Lose Weight?

If you are currently making an effort to lose weight, you are certainly not the only person who finds that they are in this position, as this is something that thousands of others are trying to do each day as well; at the same time, however, most of these people who are "trying to lose weight" end up finding no success whatsoever - and one of the reasons is that, quite simply, the approaches they are taking to weight loss give them no real chance of achieving success.

One of the approaches to weight loss that is growing in popularity in recent years is "primal eating," which basically calls for people to revert back to the sort of eating our hunter/gather ancestors indulged in - which, essentially, means no grains, no processed sugars, and no processed foods in general.

Scientifically, the thinking here is not complicated at all: basically, the human body takes carbohydrates and turns them into glucose (i.e., sugar), and when the body has an excessive amount of sugar in the bloodstream, it uuses insulin to get rid of all this sugar; this has two side effects, with the first being that the removal of sugar causes a "sugar crash," therby causing you to want to replace it in order to get more energy, and with the second being that insulin is now no longer to perform its other function, which is to burn your stored fat for energy!

Of course, the question this brings up is whether or not this lifestyle actually does what it is supposed to do toward helping a person lose weight - and the answer is that, if you stick to the prescribed eating regimen, it absolutely does work, enabling you to eat all the meats, veggies, and (within reason) nuts, and fruits you want to eat, while losing plenty of weight!

There are different approaches to weight loss that are best for different people, but if you are looking for something new to try, primal eating is certainly one that is worth looking into!

Be sure to check out The Primal Blueprint for more information!

Why Blend Your Food? Weight Loss, Healthy Living, Taste - Maybe All Three.

by: Don Ellis

Claims abound of amazing health improvements and permanent weight loss that come when you start blending your foods as part of a healthier lifestyle? Society is becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of the indulgent lifestyle of tobacco, alcohol and the junk food diets picked up and gulped down while on the run.

You may have read some Blendtec reviews about the famous Blendtec Wildside blender or a review about blending in general and all of the benefits of blending your foods. Nutritionists have known for a long time that liquefying your fruits and vegetables with a blender significantly improves the nutrition that goes to and is utilized by your body. Blending foods helps speed up the weight loss process because when a high speed good quality blender is used, the fats and oils are broken down and more easily flushed from the digestive system.

If you are in the habit of eating solid foods, then your body demands a certain amount of time to digest what you have eaten. Because the solid food stays in the digestive tract so much longer than liquefied foods, more absorption of unwanted fats takes place. With the liquefied format of blended foods, essential nutrients for the body are readily absorbed for the best nutritional benefits however the foodstuff moves rapidly from the body thereby preventing an excessive amount of absorption. When you blend your food you can usually eat more often than when eating solid foods and you can have larger servings. You love it because you don't feel the hunger that you frequently do when dieting. By liquefying what you eat, it makes it so that you can have whatever you want and you still can be loosing weight.

It is pretty obvious what the benefits are of optimum taste and a healthier lifestyle that accompany blending your foods with a caliber blender, but do you know what is most frequently referred to as the best all round blender available at any price anywhere in the world? Do you know why you are certain to love owning one? The Blendtec HP3 A blender is a precision kitchen appliance of unsurpassed quality. It is well known as "the best there is" around the world. The well designed features make it easy to use and simple to create the best possible blended outcomes. Go to the link above and click to go buy your own now or at least check it out in full. You will likely find like many others have found, that this kitchen investment was the best investment you've ever made.

Don has been writing a lot of reviews about top of the line products lately. He gives very nice insight about the product, visit one of his site about Blendtec Wildside Blenders now to read more.


Tips For Getting In Shape By Swimming

Swimming is one of the best workouts you can give your body, as it is a way for you to work out your whole body at once in a manner that does not have a negative impact on your bones, muscles, or joints, and if you have a swimming pool, it is also an easy workout for you to take up. Of course, it can be more difficult to get in your swimming workout if you do not have your own pool, but consider joining a gym that has a pool, or see if your local YMCA has a pool that you will be able to use.

One of the keys to getting into shape by swimming will be staying consistent with your swimming workout - which is why it will be helpful if you have a pool of your own; rather than swimming "a few days a week," you should make an effort to swim at least six days each week, as this will enable you to swim a reasonable amount instead of forcing you to try to "swim a whole bunch at once."

Make sure your swimming technique is as smooth and effortless as you can make it, as this will allow your body to naturally work itself out in the water, instead of forcing your body to deal with unnecessary stress and tension. It will also be good for you to vary the stroke you are using when swimming; although swimming is a total body workout, you will be able to emphasize different muscles when you do different types of strokes, and this will go a long way in increasing the effectiveness of your swimming workout.

If you have your own pool, you will be able to swim every day in your own backyard (while also getting the vitamin D your body so badly needs), but even if you do not have your own pool, you should have no problem finding access to one, and you will be able to engage in a total body workout that is fun and effective while still being low-impact!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Can Necklaces And Bracelets Really Give You Better Balance And Energy?

As people look for any way to get "an edge" - whether in work, in sports, or just in general - plenty of different "miracle products" emerge that sound absurd on the surface, but that nevertheless cause people to wonder to themselves, "Does that product work?" One such product that has emerged over recent years is bracelets and necklaces that are purported to increase the energy and balance the wearer has in their body, using some sort of scientific mastery to achieve this effect; and of course (as absurd as this product sounds), people naturally want to know whether this product really does work.

The product you are most likely to see being sold by "salesmen" (and being pitched in infomercials) is the Power Balance Bracelet, which supposedly works due to the crafy implementation of holograms and ions. Many people are thrilled when they have a "test" performed on them with this bracelet on, as the salesman will try to cause the prospective buyer to lose their balance, first without the bracelet on and then with the bracelet on; but impressive sales pitch aside, most who purchase the bracelet find that it does not work for them, and this is no surprise, as the bracelet has no scientific backing.

On the other hand, there is also the Star Necklace by Phiten, which you may have seen being worn by such athletes as Josh Beckett, Matt Hasselbeck, Joba Chamberlin, and most of the members of the Rangers team that reached the 2010 World Series. This product has titanium in the necklace, and while some scientists claim that such a small amount of titanium would be incapable of having an effect on the body, scientific evidence does suggest that titanium can have positive effects on the body, and many who have purchased these necklaces have found them to work.

While there is no definitive proof that the Phiten Star Necklace and the Phiten Star Bracelet actually work, there is also no definitive proof that they do not work; and with the way in which so many people have become convinced of their effectiveness, they are definitely worth a try!

How I Lost Weight ♡ Weight Loss/Healthy Living ♡ Before & Afters - "How To Lose Weight"

Click Here For More Weight Loss Info,,,...

If You have Not Tried Edamame Yet, Please Do!

Edamame is slowly becoming a household name. If you wish to find edamame, check the freezer section. If you purchase edamame in the pod, you must remove the seeds. Don't worry, the seeds are very easy to extract from the pod. You can squeese out these beans by placing pressure behind the bean with your thumb and forefinger. Edamame is an immature soy bean.  This is also referred to as a green soybean.

There are a ton of receipies you can find to make edamame with.  It is commonly used in Japanese cooking and also vegetarian fair. This bean is an excellent source of protein. Edamame is a complete protein.  This means that it contains all of the essential amino acids that our body's requires. The fact that this is a complete protein makes it a favorate food for vegetarians.

Nutritionally edamame is a great source of iron. Once cup of edamame contains 17 g of protein, 20% of iron, and 16% of vitamin C. This bean, like other beans, are high in dietary fiber and is low on the glycemic index.

When raw edamame is actually poisonous.  Don't worry though it is very simple to cook and eat safely. There are any number of ways to cook edamame. The simplest way to cook these beans is to steam or boil them. Boiling Edamame in very salty water is a great way to add some extra flavor.

Remember to avoid edamame if you are allergic or sensitive to soy. This bean is completely safe for those people who suffer from gluten allergies though. There is no gluten in edamame since it is a legume. If you don't want to have to worry about cooking edamame, it can sometimes be found dry roasted in the snack sections of the store.  These are great out of hand or sprinkled over salads.

If you have never tried edamame I would highly recommend giving it a try. Many bigger markets are starting to carry froze bags of in shell edamame. Health food stores may also carry different options when it comes to edamame and soy prodcuts, so check them out too.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Three Simple Steps For Having Healthy Teeth

It can seem like an inconvenience at times to take the care of your teeth that you should, but it is an even bigger inconvenience to have to deal with the consequences - later in life - of having not taken good care of your teeth right now! Even though it can take a lot of practice and "remembering" in order to get into the habit of taking good care of your teeth, it will be worth it in the long run, when you still have the same, healthy teeth you have had all your life - and when you are saving money by not having to have your teeth fixed all the time!

Of course, brushing is the most important part of keeping your teeth healthy, but while most people remember to brush twice per day, they fail to realize that this is actually not doing them quite as much good as they might imagine. You are probably brushing your teeth twice each day, but you are probably eating all throughout the day - and every time you eat and do not brush your teeth afterward, that food is sitting on your teeth; you should get into the habit of keeping travel toothpaste and a travel toothbrush with you, and brushing after every meal!

Flossing is also a big part of keeping your teeth healthy, as that will keep food from sitting between your teeth and in your gums; by flossing every night, you can prevent gum disease from occurring, and can also keep your teeth healthier.

Finally, you can keep your mouth healthy by using mouthwash; you should use mouthwash every night, as this will help your breath smell good, will remove plaque, and will also just make your mouth feel good!

When you get into the habit of brushing after every meal, flossing at night, and using mouthwash at night, you will be able to keep your teeth healthy for a long time to come - enabling your mouth to keep its natural teeth, saving you money and protecting you from pain.

Quickest Way to Lose Weight: How Deep sleep Impacts Weight-loss

by: Lisa Huttons

Can sleep be the most effective way to shed extra pounds?

"I will go to sleep when I'm dead". This is my normal response to people who cared enough about me to ask me to go to bed whenever I was working late through the night replying emails from colleagues halfway around the world, watching a dvd or just refusing to go to sleep.

I never say those words anymore.

Not only because it is impolite, but it is also because I'm afraid that might very well end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy in the event that I actually continue to deny myself of sleep.

In regards to the quickest way to lose weight, sleep is actually an often overlooked component. People simply talk about eating and working out to lose weight. Not everybody ever says sleeping is critical for weight reduction. Yet somehow, this really is one of the most crucial components in the weight-loss equation.

The majority of us find it hard to get yourself a ideal 7 hours of rest every night. Maybe you work for a international corporation just like me and want to stay up late in order to correspond with co-workers from some other time zone. Or maybe you have family responsibilities or fairly recently have a newborn baby. No matter what the primary reason is, understand that your insufficient sleep not just affects your entire body from performing at its highest performance, but it could also cause you to be overweight.

Listed here are reasons exactly how sleep could affect weightloss:

Messing up your fat loss hormones:

Numerous our hormones determine if if we reduce or put on pounds. Many of those hormones within our body are influenced by sleep. These include hormones that control your hunger such as; Leptin and also Ghrelin.

Leptin is a hormone that gives us the feeling of fullness that informs your body that it's satisfied after you've finished a meal. While Ghrelin conversely stimulates food cravings and tells your body that it's starving.

Studies have shown that whenever we do not get enough rest, our leptin amounts decrease resulting in us feeling not as contented from a meal. During this time, ghrelin amounts boosts transmitting the wrong stimulus to your brain causing us to feel perpetually hungry even when our daily caloric intake is enough.

To make up for the insufficient energy attributable to inadequate rest, ghrelin triggered food cravings has a tendency to lead to the consumption of carbohydrates and calorie rich food.

Inadequate rest equals greater craving for calorie rich foods which will finally end in fat gain.

No sufficient workout recuperation:

Whenever we sleep, our bodies restore itself after a long day of work, preparing and recharging you for another day of work. Each and every single extra hour of rest your body obtains, is actually additional time your body is able to recover.

Exercising is without a doubt amongst the quickest way to lose weight. In case you have exercised that day, you need to get a lot more rest! Without adequate rest, your muscles won't be able to recuperate and also grow. Unless you allow your body to fully recover, your muscles is not going to get stronger and also the fat burning effect of your workout sessions will be diminished.

Influences your regular regime:

Do you recollect what it feels to get jet lagged? I am not referring to those 7 or eight hour flights. I am referring to those 17-hour-deep-vein-thrombosis-inducing flights.

My first ever long haul flight to Toronto, I did not have adequate sleep for more than 20 hours including flight time. (With thanks to the stinky heavy snoring man who sat beside me). In my luggage, I already brought my workout attire and I was intending to make full use of the resort's fitness facilities. But the time I managed to get inside my hotel room, I found myself so depleted that I just changed into something comfortable, turned off all of the lights and crashed - for 14 hours straight. I never had the strength to use the health club in any way throughout my four day stay .

You might not have gone through the identical level of lethargy. But continuous lack of sleep may result in an identical effect. When you consistently do not have sufficient rest, many of your bodies priorities change. It no longer cares about your own workout routine. It no longer cares if you make unlhealthy food choices and also you will certainly notice yourself consuming anything you can come across just to offer your own body instant energy to compensate for the lack of sleep.

Basically, fat burning is no longer something your body is concerned with. How can your body help you to lose weight when it doesn't actually have sufficient energy for you to stay awake?

How to get better sleep?

If you are really serious about burning off pounds, you will need to assure that your body is actually set up for fat burning all the time. And having plenty of sleep is an important aspect to the whole weight-loss formula. Here are a few hints that you can easily begin following today in order to get yourself a proper nights slumber:

1. Lights off:

Back in the army, there is actually a fixed "lights out" time just about every night to tell us that it is actually the period we have got to sleep. Figure out what is your own "lights off" time everyday and adhere to it. When it's time for "lights off", switch off the lights and immediately get to sleep. No excuses, no delays.

2.Establish a sleep habit:

We have to program our bodies to realize a daily sleep time. 30 minutes just before your "lights off" time, be ready yourself for night time by carrying out the following:

- Turn down or switch off all the lights inside your room leaving only the bedside lamp. Sit upward on your bed and read a fictional story. Nothing at all intense, no "War Manual of Sun Tze", absolutely no email or anything that involves you to think or strategize.

- Turn off your blackberry! This is actually a cursed object that binds every corporate individual to his/her task. Your fellow workers will certainly not blame you if you do not reply their email messages at 11.50pm. So shut that darn thing off!

- If you feel hungry, make yourself a nice warm glass of milk. Hey, this made it easier for us sleep better when we were young and you'll be shocked to find out it still works for you now.

- Warming up your feet by wearing a cozy pair of socks can easily help stimulate better sleep due to the increased blood flow.

3. Make love: I'm sorry ladies, this idea is actually more for adult males. During male orgasms, our bodies give off a combination of chemicals including oxytocin which usually assists our bodies to relax and causes a semi sedated condition ideal for sleeping!

The relevance of rest on your weight reduction success cannot be understated. As we make the effort to be much more productive at work by taking advantage of just about every hour of everyday, we are compromising the much required rest needed by our bodies. Continuous rest deprivation shifts your bodies attention away from fat reduction and over to an increase in weight.

Simply by having sufficient rest, your own body will be ready to function at its highest potential. You will be a lot more successful and productive at your job, at the workout room and on the fast track to rapid weight-loss.

If you work in an office and are looking for answers on how to get slim, theres an effective fat loss starter kit that you can download for free at This fat loss starter kit is what helped the author to lose 5 lbs in just the first week. Download it today and try it for yourself!

How To Replenish Your Energy During The Day

One problem a lot of people deal with in the work day is that they hit a wall around 2 or 2:30 in the afternoon, and while this would be okay if it happened irregularly, many people deal with this on an almost daily basis - which, of course, can severely curtail productivity, and can make the day a drag; while there are a lot of things you can do to get rid of this feeling, and to replenish your energy, here are three great ones that you might try using.

Go for a walk: One thing that tends to cause people to feel so tired in the afternoon is that they have been stationary inside for far too long, and two things that every person's body thrives on is movement and sunlight; if you regularly experience a "2:30 feeling" in the afternoon, try going for a 10 or 15 minute walk during lunch some days, and see what a difference this will make!

Drink water, and get food: Pumping your body full of caffeine during the afternoon might not be a very good idea, as this may end up causing you to have a hard time sleeping, but oftentimes, you will find that some water and some healthy food will do just as much to help you wake up as caffeine would - and what's more, this will be a much healthier and more efficient way for you to take care of your body!

Take a nap: And of course, the fact that your body is simply telling you that it could use a bit of sleep is one reason why you may be getting tired in the afternoon, so while you might not work a job that makes it easy for you to take a nap in the middle of the work day, consider trying to take one at lunch, or at some other point when a short break is acceptable, and you will be amazed at just how much more energized you feel.

No matter what you do, you will sometimes simply be too tired to function well - but if you are dealing with this more often than you should, keep these ideas in mind and you will be able to start fighting the problem!

Three Things To Look For In A Weight Loss Plan

If you have been trying to lose weight, you certainly recognize just how much of a struggle this can be. After all, many people spend years trying and failing to lose weight - going through weight loss program after weight loss program. If this sounds familiar to you, however, the first thing you need to realize is that everyone has the ability to lose weight - and the second thing you need to realize is that this includes you, as long as you are able to find the right program for you!

The first thing you need to keep your eyes open for in a weight loss program is that it is safe; too many weight loss programs capitalize on the desire people have to lose weight fast, but a steady, safe approach to weight loss is far better in the long run.

The second thing you need to make sure of is that the weight loss program you are looking at is actually effective; there are a lot of weight loss programs out there that truly do bring miraculous results in an incredibly short amount of time - but the reason these programs are able to accomplish this is that they are making you lose muscle weight or water weight. And in this way, you will actually be making yourself less healthy, and will be setting yourself up for weight gain down the road!

And finally, you need to find a weight loss program that is easy; of course, most people who read that will say, "Well, of course, but that's impossible" - but the truth is, there are plenty of weight loss programs out there that work, and some will be far easier for you than others!

Safe, effective, easy weight loss will not occur overnight - but this is not to say that it cannot occur at all; each and every person has the ability to lose weight in a safe, effective manner - and this includes you - so start looking for the program that is right for you, and soon you can experience the results you desire!

Lose Weight Faster By Drinking Healthier Beverages

Are you frustrated with your weight loss efforts? You can probably eliminate a good 100-250 calories from your diet just by changing what you drink. These simple beverage choice changes will help you lose weight.

Discover how good water can be. Use a filter such as a Brita Filter to improve the taste of tap water. Try various kinds of bottled water and unique waters such as alkalized water, which has a light, sweet tatse a lot of people find appealing. Many people like water once they add a squeeze of lime or lemon juice or add slices of cucumber.

Cut sweeteners out of your hot beverages such as coffee or tea. Sugar is one of the biggest enemies of weight loss, being empty calories that leave you craving more. Gradually reduce the amount of sweetener you use. Because artificial sweeteners have recently been linked to weight loss problems (per medical studies), you will want to avoid these altogether. Just work towards taking your tea or coffee without any sweetener at all.

There are several teas and coffees that are good without any sweetener at all. For example, try Good Earth Original Blend tea, which is sweet and spicy, as well as flavored coffees. Your taste buds will adjust after time.

Refuse to drink soft drinks of any kind. Every 12-ounce sugar soda you drink puts about 140 calories of sugar into your body. Diet sodas are linked to weight gain, to the mystery of most dietitians. It's been theorized that artificial sweeteners either disrupt your body's metabolism or increase cravings for more sugar. Try seltzer water if you miss the carbonation.

Phase out juice. Many people think juice is healthy, when it's very high in sugar and calories. The juices supplemented with artificial sweeteners probably aren't much better for you. If you must have some juice, drink no more than four ounces (usually about 60 calories) at a time.

By changing what you drink, you can cut calories and increase your overall wellness.

My family reacting to my 130 pound weight loss

Click Here For More Weight Loss Info,,,...

Friday, January 3, 2014

Tips For Better Freestyle Swim Workouts


If you’re a swimmer and want to get the best times and the best workouts, you’ll want to try these swim workout tips.

For an all-body workout that will improve your times, do more than just the freestyle stroke during your workout. Make sure you include the breaststroke, freestyle, and kick-boarding, at the very least.

Start out practicing freestyle, reaching as far forward as possible with each stroke, gliding for a few seconds before pulling down through the stroke. Make each pull through the water strong and powerful, being sure to push the water behind you, not out to the sides or across your body. Make sure your kicks are strong and coming from the hip, and that your knees are only slightly bent. Try to glide across the top of the water, not thrash at the water. The smoother and stronger the moves, the better the times.

Use paddles to add resistance and build muscles, trying to get across the pool with as few breaths as possible. Then try a couple lengths with your hands balled up into fists (and the paddles off, obviously). Then, resume your normal freestyle stroke, noting how different it feels. You’ll be much more aware of the power of your hands and will find you’re much faster.

Work out until you've worn out those shoulders (but not so long that you risk injury), and then switch to using a kickboard. Take this time to stretch out your shoulders as you rest on the kickboard, propelling yourself through the water with strong, powerful, lengthy kicks with straight legs. Extend each kick deep into the water, challenging yourself to use all the muscles you can. Use the kickboard until you feel the burn. Then switch to the breaststroke kick, still resting your upper body on the board, working your inner and outer leg muscles.

Finish off with a few more laps of freestyle, using your body only, with no props. Try to make these your best laps yet.

Dieting for Weight Loss

by: Lance Miller

The most common reason that people cite for dieting today is weight loss. While most of us would love to claim the noble mantle of dieting for health the vast majority of us are doing so for vanity. This, however, is a perfectly acceptable and plausible reason for making the lifestyle changes that are necessary in order to diet. In fact, this reason might prove to be a far greater motivator than many of the other commonly stated reasons for dieting.

When dieting for weight loss one of the most common complaints is constantly feeling hungry. In order to help combat this, you might want to incorporate some of the following strategies into your dieting program. First of all, eat more high fiber foods. Whole grains, apples, pears, and lima beans are a great source of fiber as are many breakfast cereals. Easy does it however when it comes to fiber as it may be filling but there are some unpleasant side effects that may accompany heavy fiber eating (remember that beans are a good source of fiber). Try using a product such as Bean-o when consuming larger amounts of fiber. You might also try spreading your fiber intake throughout the day rather than consuming all your daily fiber at once.

Another method for feeling fuller when dieting is to drink plenty of water while dieting. Water provides an important service to the body and is very necessary when it comes to delivering all the nutrients where they need to go. Water also helps regulate your metabolism, which is very important to the dieting and weight loss process. Additionally, water will help you skin retain its elasticity so that your skin can go more easily back into place once the serious weight loss begins.

Learn to control your portions. We live in a world where portions are over inflated and super sized so often that we no longer know what an appropriate portion looks like. Restaurant meals are quite often more than adequate for at least two full meals and that is before salads, soups, appetizers, or desserts have been ordered. Learning to portion correctly can save you from over loading your calorie intake for the day massively. It can also help you get extra helpings of the lower calorie foods such as lettuce and other vegetables rather than taking such large portions of calorie rich starches or fried foods.

Do not go "Gung Ho". There are limits to what the body and the mind can handle. When you go on a diet you are making a drastic change to your bodies caloric intake. If you go overboard you can lead to health risks along the way. Begin cutting calories a little at a time and incorporate changes as you go rather than going in with an all or nothing attitude. If you go overboard with your dieting plans chances are that you are dooming your diet to failure.

Take your diet one step at a time for the best results and be sure to incorporate extra physical activity into the mix. Even gardening when done on a regular basis can burn calories, so can cleaning the house, and playing with the little ones. Take a walk to the park or the corner store rather than getting in the car and pull a wagon or push a stroller while you're at it. The added weight will be just enough resistance to burn a few extra calories.

Dieting for weight loss does not necessarily have to be a major sacrifice on your part but in order to be successful it will be a radical change in lifestyle, particularly if you need to lose more than a few vanity pounds. The health implications of loosing the weight are well worth the required effort and should not be taken lightly no matter how excited you are about your new body that is hiding inside your old one.

For more info, please visit and find out more what I have to offer.

Tips For Getting Back In Shape

There are plenty of people who are in their 50s, their 40s, their 30s, and even their 20s who were athletes once upon a time, and are athletes no more!

The thing is, it is often not until you go out and try to play some sort of recreational sport that you realize that you are not in nearly as good of shape as you once were. If you have recently had a painful epiphany and have realized that it might be time to start getting back in shape, here are a handful of tips you can follow.

Working out and eating healthy together: When it comes to getting back in shape, this is the biggest thing of all - and you cannot do one or the other, but you have to actually do both!

You might find this to be difficult at first, but it will become a lot easier as time goes on, especially as you begin to see results.

Intensifying your workout: If you have been working out and eating healthy for a while, and you have realized that you are still not in the shape you want to be in, you might need to make a move to "up" the workouts you have been doing.

There are a number of ways in which you can do this, but some ways to think about are increasing the amount of time you are working out, increasing your repetitions, or simply upping the speed at which you are doing the repetitions.

Additionally - in order to get into better shape - you might consider doing something completely different with your workout.

Make it a lifestyle: The area that causes so many people to fail is that they try to go on a "crash diet" and "crash workout routine," and they are unable to keep this up in the long run.

You need to start with something that you will be able to stick with, and then you can build on it from there. After you begin to put all these things together, you will be able to start improving the shape you are in - until you are back to where you want to be!

How Much Vitamin B-12 Do You Need?

You may have heard of people taking vitamin B-12 supplements of shots. The natural response is to consider trying vitamin B-12 shots or supplements, just to see if they will indeed help you lose weight.

Vitamin B-12 is necessary for the development of red blood cells, proper neurological functions, and the prevention of anemia. Vitamin B-12 is also needed for the production of DNA.

Some weight loss clinics tout vitamin B-12 shots as weight loss tools, but there is no evidence this works. If you think your might be B-12 deficient, ask your doctor for a test; most people have stored enough B-12 to last them for years. Getting a vitamin B-12 shot is not going to enhance your metabolic rate or provide extra energy unless you were truly deficient or anemic, both of which can be proven with a test. Consult a licensed physician before you get on a B-12 shot or supplement regimen, especially if you already take medications--sometimes vitamin B-12 can reduce the effectiveness of certain prescription drugs.

Natural sources of vitamin B-12 are animal products. If you eat dairy products, shellfish, meat, eggs, or fortified products, you probably get plenty of vitamin B-12. The people who need to worry are vegans--those who don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy products. However, if vegans eat fortified cereals, they probably aren't at high risk of deficiency.

If you get between 2.6-2.8 micrograms of vitamin B-12 a day, you're probably getting enough. You will get enough vitamin B-12 for the day if you eat a simple breakfast meal of a cup of milk and a bowl of fortified cereal. If you have a deficiency, you probably have a problem absorbing B-12 or using the B-12 that your body has already stored. Your intestines may not be absorbing B-12 or your body might not be releasing B-12 that you've absorbed and stored. Most Americans are not B-12 deficient because they eat a diet rich in animcal products, and their bodies naturally store the B-12 for years.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

How I Lost 40 lbs. My Weight Loss Story

Click Here For More Weight Loss Info,,,...

What Is Detoxing, and Why Would You Want to Try it?

Have you heard of people “detoxing”, but aren’t sure what that really means? Detoxification is a purification cleanse that removes excess toxins and waste from the body. Once you’ve detoxified your body, you’ll feel lighter, cleaner, and healthier.

Why do you need to detox? You come in contact with all kinds of toxins as you go about your regular routine. You probably have to deal with at least some of the following: smoke (first or second-hand), exhaust fumes, pesticides, residual smells and air pollants related to chemicals, alcohol, preservatives, and a host of unhealthy foods. Pollution builds up in our bodies, forcing our systems to deal with more chemicals and waste products than we were designed to handle. Detox programs help you remove excess waste so your body can recover from this stress.

How do you detox? It's best to try to improve your external environment by getting away from smoke, renting or buying an air purifier for your home, drinking purified water,  and limiting alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat consumption. Limit your diet to organic produce while detoxing--a diet of fruit and veggies will best facilitate the kind of digestive environment desirable for an effective cleanse. You'll want to drink plenty of water and tea.

What should you do to promote regular bowel movements? Try drinking a lot of water and senna tea, which will help your kidneys filter out waste products and will move your bowels. Try to focus on eating raw fruit and vegetables as much as possible. During your actual detox program, you will want to drink pure juice made from fresh fruit and vegetables, or make your own Master Cleanse tonic of lemon, filtered water, cayenne pepper, and pure maple syrup. Set aside specific time periods for cleanses; this will help you stick with the program since you'll know you don't have to live this way forever.

Once you are done detoxing, gradually reintroduce foods one by one. Detox as often or as infrequently as your body demands, using health symptoms as cues.


Sweets That Are Not Quite So Unhealthy

There are plenty of people who try to make it sound like eating healthy is the easiest thing in the world, but if you have a serious sweet tooth, it can be a whole lot more difficult for you to keep cravings from bringing down your diet. While it is certainly true that a level of "will power" will be the determining factor in how well you are able to stick with your diet, it can also help when you know certain foods to eat that are both healthy and beneficial; if you have a sweet tooth, one of the things that will particularly help you is knowing some "sweets" that are really not that unhealthy.

Dark chocolate: Too much dark chocolate is not good for you (as is the case with any food!), but when you eat dark chocolate in moderation, not only is it "not bad" for you, but it actually is an antioxidant, which means that it will help your body to chase away disease.

Honey: While so many sweets will end up leaving you tired shortly after you eat them, giving you one of those awful sugar crashes, honey not only avoids the sugar crash, but it also gives you natural energy; using honey as a sweetener is a great way for you to get some extra energy from your food while also boosting the taste.

Fruit: It can be difficult on you when you first start to substitute fruit into your dessert slot, but once you get used to having fruit after dinner, you will begin to find that this is actually a great way to get something sweet while also staying healthy; when you are first getting used to this, try adding a little bit of sugar to your fruit, then quickly wean yourself down to fruit alone!

No matter what you do, "eating healthy" will be a chore if you have a major sweet tooth - but when you try adding these things to your eating habits, things will become a little bit easier!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Can PCOS And Hair Loss Really Be Related?

by: Elias Coombes

A lot of women that experience hair loss from one degree to another may actually have an affliction named PCOS. The medical term for PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome and afflicts a lot of women between the ages of 12 through 45.

There are a lot of treatment plans for PCOS but if left unchecked could be the causation of hair thinning. The major immediate remedy for PCOS is to identify a means to bring down the weight of the person.

So much emphasis is made on proper eating habits these days that it seems to go without heed. However in cases of obesity this may be the culprit for hair loss.

The symptoms of PCOS include weight gain, irregular periods, fertility problems and thinning of hair.

Knowing that there are a lot of reasons why women experience this hair malady sometimes it's best to eliminate the obvious. The process of elimination is a good strategy to identify the cause of hair loss that can prove or disprove a disease.

The thought of even having this type of disease never crosses the mind of women because they can't associate their weight with the loss of their hair. Yet this can be a real issue and having a treatment plan to regulate body weight can be a solution for this.

Getting back on track with a healthy diet plan can benefit both the body and the hair at the same time. It's never too late to start with some type of diet plan that can start with regular exercise.

Of course you should check with your regular physician and have yourself diagnosed but insuring that your body receives the proper nutrients can only help you in the long run.

PCOS and hair loss can be a temporary condition if you have it diagnosed and go on a preventive treatment plan that will help you.

It's probably no secret to you, if you're here reading this, that PCOS is a type of endocrine disorder that can strike you at nearly any point in your life. It's also probably known to you already what PCOS is and what is believed to cause it--an inability to deal with glucose and an insulin intolerance in your body.

All of these things combined can cause a condition in your body where the ovaries begin to work less and to create symptoms that are difficult for you to handle over a long period of time.

Among the things that your PCOS can cause are:

*Excessive hair growth
*Cramping and Pain
*Multiple ovarian cysts

One of the most important parts of PCOS and helping to control it is your diet. PCOS diets need to be well controlled and to eliminate many different things from the diet that may be causative agents of some of the problems. Given that insulin intolerance is one of the major parts of PCOS, a PCOS diet may be able to help you to lose some of those symptoms.

PCOS is in fact one of the most common endocrine disorders and the onset of it typically brings you symptoms that are given by more than one or two abnormal cysts which begin to grow on the ovaries.

You will find that a PCOS diet may actually help you with some of these symptoms. Symptoms are plentiful in PCOS and many of these can be controlled by a PCOS diet.

PCOS diet requirements are typically going to be geared at helping you to lose weight, but more, they will also seek to eliminate the chances of further problems that you may see from your insulin resistance, such as early adult onset diabetes. Lowering your fat intake and avoiding carbohydrates particularly processed foods is one of the best ways to help yourself by implementing a PCOS diet.

Carbohydrates tend to be less easily uptaken by the body when one is insulin resistant. It is better for you to steer clear and to eat instead more natural foods with higher fiber. Fresh fruits and vegetables will be best for those who are insulin resistant. Nuts, berries, fresh vegetables and fewer processed foods are the order of the day.

Avoiding sugar or highly sugared or processed foods will also be in your best interests in your PCOS diet. Avoidance of the fruit juices that may be more sugary than fresh fruit, and also staying away from items with high fructose corn syrup or corn sugar is also something you will want to do as much as possible.

A PCOS diet is a more natural and healthful diet. Protein foods are the best way to go for your condition and may help you to lose the weight that is sometimes difficult to lose for the PCOS sufferer. Your PCOS diet, in combination with exercise will go a long way toward helping you to avoid the complications that can take place in PCOS.

Just by watching an hour of TV, or flipping through your favorite magazine you know of the thousands of weight loss "plans" or diets that are around today. For women with PCOS, it may be a bit misleading or confusing.... we know we're supposed to watch our carbs, only eat "good carbs" as this is what best controls our insulin resistance, therefore controlling our PCOS. But the question is, which diet or plan do we choose?

Below are the most common eating plans used by women with PCOS. I say eating plan because I don't consider them "diets". We are not starving ourselves, eating the wrong things for a short amount of time to lose weight, etc. This is a life long choice for us. If we want to control our PCOS and its symptoms, we need to chose an eating plan and stick to it, indefinitely.

Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) is a system used to classify foods with carbohydrates on how fast they raise our blood-sugar levels. There are 3 general categories:

High GI Foods (GI value 70%2B)
These cause a fast rise in blood-glucose levels
Medium GI Foods (GI value 55-69) These cause a medium rise in blood-glucose
Low GI Carb Foods (GI value 54 or less) These cause a slow rise in blood-sugar

This is considered the best option for women with PCOS. A low-GI plan is a balanced diet based with medium and low GI carbs, plus healthy protein and fats (including plenty of healthy whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables. A great plan to follow is Weight Watchers, as they base their meals on the Glycemic index principal.

South Beach Diet

The SBD consists of lean proteins, healthy fats and oils, nuts, seeds, and fresh vegetables and fruits and is a favorable diet for PCOS. The theory is if you cut back on carbs, and eat a higher percentage of protein that your body will have less insulin responses to carbs. It consists of three phases, where you slowly add more carbs back into your meals. The point of the first phase is to get rid of cravings that PCOS'ers have for carbs by eliminating them completely. Then, as good carbs are added into back, you are less likely to lose control and binge. The types of carbs allowed on the SBD are those that score low on the glycemic index.

The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet is about balancing your hormones to control hunger on fewer calories but still getting the nutrients your body needs for long-term health. The Zone is a moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, moderate fat diet that has approximately one gram of fat for every two grams of protein and three grams of carbs. These dietary ratios are based off of the dietary recommendations from the Joslin Diabetes Research Center at Harvard Medical School for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The Zone's meals include:

Low-fat protein
Low glycemic-load carbs (mostly fruits and vegetables)
Heart-healthy monounsaturated fats
Warning !!!!

Another common "low carb" plan is The Atkins diet. This is NOT recommended for women with PCOS, in fact it should be avoided completely. The Atkins diet has been associated with a large number of heart related conditions and even death. It focuses on completely removing carbs, and eating high fat, unhealthy proteins (such as hamburger, bacon, etc) which is why we need to stay FAR away.

Women with PCOS already have a higher risk of heart disease, high cholesterol/blood pressure and stroke, so adding a diet high in fatty proteins would only increase our risk. Plus, starving your body of the carbs it needs to survive only increases the risk even more.

Millions of women around the world are unable to conceive due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, a complex reproductive disease or infertility problem. PCOS may or may not involve cysts in the ovaries, but always involves insulin resistance that causes the ovaries to absorb too much sugar and produce testosterone.

In the case of PCOS the body secretes far too much androgen, the male hormone, which counteracts the ovaries' ability to make enough progesterone necessary for a normal cycle. The estrogen level is OK; but the level of the luteinizing hormone (LH) is actually higher than usual. The luteinizing hormone is actually working overtime in an attempt to kick-start the cycle. Due to the high androgen levels interfering with the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), progesterone is not triggered. In other words your follicles don't develop... instead they turn into pea-sized cysts on your ovaries. The ovaries can then enlarge.

Because the male hormone levels are out of whack you may develop:

facial hair
hair on other parts of your body
a balding issue
irregular periods

Researchers at the Royal Alfred Hospital, Macquarie University, and the University of Sydney in Australia recently ran a clinical trial to see whether a low glycemic index (low-GI) diet might help women with PCOS achieve pregnancy more quickly.

The Australian researchers gave the women in their study two very simple options:

1. Follow a diet of 'ordinary foods' eaten in carefully prescribed quantities, or

2. Eat any foods they liked, as long as they were low on the glycemic index. Low glycemic index (low-GI) foods release sugars slowly into the bloodstream.

The purpose of both diets was to treat insulin resistance, not full-fledged Type 2 diabetes. Many women who have untreated PCOS, however, eventually develop Type 2 diabetes.

At the end of a year, half of the women who started their diets had managed to stay on plan or to 'graduate' from their diets after losing 7 per cent of their total body weight. Among the women who followed a strict, calorie-restricted plan, 63% had resumed having normal menstrual periods, a strong indication their fertility had returned. Among women who ate whatever foods they liked from a low-GI list, however, 95% had resumed having normal menstrual periods.

In PCOS, fertility returns when insulin resistance is reversed. The results of this study suggest that Type 2 diabetics, as well, may do better when they resolve to eat:

low-fat meats
fruits and

...rather than counting carbs and calories in highly processed foods.

Insulin resistance and PCOS go hand in hand. Women with insulin resistance are either at risk for, or have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

Are you looking for a Pcos Diet Plan? Having an effective pcos diet plan will treat your current situation. how to lose weight with pcos, Low-GI Diet Helps With Insulin Resistance in PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes!, Can PCOS And Hair Loss Really Be Related?